Clue Mediator

Get all query string values using JavaScript

📅June 22, 2021

In this article, we’ll show you how to get all parameters of the query string from the URL using JavaScript.

Here, we will use the API/URLSearchParams#browser_compatibility" title="URLSearchParams">URLSearchParams to get a list of all query params.

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Let’s consider the following URL for example to get a query string parameter values.

const url = '';

Instead of the URL you can also use the current page URL using the `window.location.href`.

Now simply run the following code to get the list of the query parameters in the object.

const urlSearchParams = (new URL(url)).searchParams;
const params = Object.fromEntries(urlSearchParams.entries());

// Output: {search: "login app", category: "reactjs"}

You can also get the value of the individual parameters. Use the code below.

urlSearchParams.get("search"); // Output: login app
urlSearchParams.get("category"); // Output: reactjs

You can combine all the above code and check the output in the console.

const url = '';

const urlSearchParams = (new URL(url)).searchParams;
const params = Object.fromEntries(urlSearchParams.entries());

// Output: {search: "login app", category: "reactjs"}

urlSearchParams.get("search"); // Output: login app
urlSearchParams.get("category"); // Output: reactjs

That’s it for today.
Thank you for reading. Happy Coding..!! 🙂