Encode and decode strings with base64 in JavaScript
📅March 30, 2021
Today we will show you how to encode and decode strings with base64 in JavaScript.
In this article, we will use the `btoa()` and `atob()` JavaScript methods to encode or decode string" title="string">string. Both functions are compatible with the modern web browser.
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Encode and decode strings with base64 in JavaScript
1. Encode string using btoa() method
Here, we will use the `btoa()` javascript method to encode a string. Look at the following code snippets.
// define the string
var str = "Clue Mediator";
// encode the string
var output = btoa(str);
// Output: Q2x1ZSBNZWRpYXRvcg==
2. Decode string using atob() method
Now, we will use the `atob()` javascript method to decode the encoded string. Check the following code to decode the above encoded string.
// define the encoded string
var str = "Q2x1ZSBNZWRpYXRvcg==";
// decode the string
var output = atob(str);
// Output: Clue Mediator
Note: It’s not a secure encryption method. Encoding a string to Base64 usually results in 33% longer output.
That’s it for today.
Thank you for reading. Happy Coding..!! 🙂