Replace all occurrences of a string in JavaScript
Today we will show you how to replace all occurrences of a string in JavaScript. Here we show you the simplest way to replace all instances of string via a single line of code.
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Javascript replace() method replaces only the first occurrence of the string. There are several methods are available to replace all occurrences of a string in JavaScript. But we will discuss only two methods in this article.
Demo & Source Code
Way to Replace all occurrences of a string in JavaScript
- JavaScript string replace method with regular-expression" target="_blank" class="tag-link">regular expression
- JavaScript split and join method
1. JavaScript string replace method with regular expression
Here we have to use regular expressions to replace all words or string via a single line. We will use `g` flag (global) instead of normal string character as a regular expression.
Below is a small example where we will replace β-β instead of βisβ.
function handleReplaceAll() {
var sentence = 'This is test example and it Is easy to learn.';
var output = sentence.replace(/is/g, '-'); // Output: Th- - test example and it Is easy to learn.
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = output;
Now if you want to replace the case insensitive string then you have to use `gi` flag. Checkout the below example.
function handleReplaceAllCI() {
var sentence = 'This is test example and it Is easy to learn.';
var output = sentence.replace(/is/gi, '-'); // Output: Th- - test example and it - easy to learn.
document.getElementById("demo1").innerHTML = output;
2. JavaScript split and join method
Another simplest way to replace all is to use Split and Join method.
function handleReplaceAllSplitJoin() {
var sentence = 'This is test example and it Is easy to learn.';
var output = sentence.split('is').join('-'); // Output: Th- - test example and it Is easy to learn.
document.getElementById("demo2").innerHTML = output;
3. Output
Output - Replace all occurrences of a string in JavaScript - Clue Mediator