How to Delete a MySQL Database on Linux via Command Line

MySQL is a popular relational database management system (RDBMS) that is used to store and manage data. It is often used to power web applications, but it can also be used for a variety of other purposes.

If you are using MySQL on Linux, you may need to delete a database at some point. This can be done easily from the command line.

Steps to delete a MySQL database on Linux via the command line

  1. Access MySQL Command Line
  2. List Existing Databases
  3. Choose the Database to Delete
  4. Delete the Database

1. Access MySQL Command Line

First, you need to access the MySQL command line interface. Open your terminal and type the following command, replacing <username> with your MySQL username and <password> with your password:

Press Enter, and you’ll be prompted to enter your password. Once you enter the correct password, you’ll be logged into the MySQL command line.

2. List Existing Databases

Before you proceed with deleting a database, it’s a good idea to list all the existing databases to double-check and ensure you are deleting the correct one. To list all databases, use the following command in the MySQL command line:

You’ll see a list of all databases on your MySQL server.

3. Choose the Database to Delete

Once you’ve confirmed the database you want to delete, you can switch to that database using the following command:

Replace database_name with the name of the database you want to delete.

4. Delete the Database

Now comes the critical step – deleting the database. To delete the chosen database, use the following command:

Again, replace database_name with the name of the database you want to delete. Once you execute this command, the database will be permanently removed from your MySQL server.


If you want to be extra cautious, you can use the DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS command instead of the DROP DATABASE command. This will only delete the database if it exists.

This is a good way to avoid accidentally deleting a database that you didn’t mean to delete.


Deleting a MySQL database on Linux via the command line is a relatively simple process that involves accessing the MySQL command line interface and executing a few SQL commands. Remember to double-check the database name and be cautious while executing the DROP DATABASE command, as it irreversibly deletes the specified database and its data. Always take backups before performing any critical operations.

Now that you know how to delete a MySQL database on Linux via the command line, you can confidently manage your databases and keep your server tidy and organized.

Happy coding! 😊

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