Clue Mediator

Git Clone Error: Repository not found

📅December 24, 2019

Today we will show you how to fix the git clone error: Repository not found. This is a common error while you have a private repository and you are trying to get it via following command `git clone <URL>`.

Git Clone Error: Repository not found, Solved: git clone is not working for a private repo, Git gives 'ERROR: Repository not found.' when URL is correct and SSH key is used, git clone http repository not found, git push fails remote repository not found, fatal repository not found gitlab, unable to clone git repository, git clone private repo, git clone fatal unable to access, git remote repository not found vs code, git not found, git clone http repository not found.

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remote: Repository not found.
fatal: repository '' not found


As mentioned in the error may occur if the url is wrong. However, the error may also occur if the repository is a private repository and you do not have access or wrong credentials.

Instead of

git clone


git clone

You can also try

git clone https://[email protected]/xxxx/xxx-xx-xxx.git

After hitting the above command, git will prompt for the password.

That's it required to resolve it. Hope this will work for you!

Happy Coding!