Convert a String to a Number in JavaScript
Convert a String to a Number in JavaScript is a common and simple operation. When you are working with the real project at that time you have to manage the data whereas you need to convert a string to a number or a number to a string in JavaScript. So today we will show you how to convert a string to a number in JavaScript with example.
Convert a String to a Number in JavaScript, Converting strings to numbers with vanilla JavaScript, JavaScript Number() function, JavaScript parseInt() Function ,JavaScript parseFloat() Function, fastest way to convert String to Number.
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Why we need type conversion?
In Javascript, numbers can represent as actual number i.e. `28` or as string i.e.`"28"`. these are two different types of object so we use comparison to compare this number, it will fail.
let's look at one example.
var num1 = 28;
var num2 = '28';
if (num1 === num2) {
} else {
To overcome this issue, we need type conversion here.
Type of methods to convert a string into a number
Method 1: Number()
The Number() method is a function that converts the object argument to a number that represents the object's value. if you pass in a string with random text in it you will get `NaN`. so if The Number() function can't converted to a number, `NaN` is returned.
var num1 = "28";
console.log(typeof(num1)) // Output: "string"
var num2 = Number("28");
console.log(num2); // Output: 28
console.log(typeof(num2)); // Output: "number"
Here we pass string 28 to Number() function and it returns a new number value of `28`. If we checked the typeof the new number you will find that is `number`.
Method 2: parseInt()
Method parseInt() method is a function that parses a string and returns an integer with a specific radix. parseInt() function returns `NaN` when the string doesnât contain number.
parseInt("28") // Output: 28
parseInt("28.51") // Output: 28
parseInt("28em") // Output: 28
parseInt("28.7xyz") // Output: 28
In the above four example, strings were converted to a `28` number. If we use Number() function for above last two examples then it returns `NaN` so comparatively parseInt() function is better then Number() function.
Method 3: parseFloat()
parseFloat() is a function, which purses a string and returns a floating point number. Also parseFloat() function returns `NaN` when the string doesnât contain number.
parseFloat("28") // Output: 28
parseFloat("28.51") // Output: 28.51
parseFloat("28em") // Output: 28
parseFloat("28.7xyz") // Output: 28.7
If you want to retain the decimal part and not just get the integer part, use parseFloat() function.
Thanks for reading and happy coding!