Convert a 12 hour format to 24 hour format using JavaScript
📅December 1, 2020
Today we’ll show you how to convert a 12 hour format to 24 hour format using JavaScript. Here we will show you the conversion using custom function and moment-js" title="Moment.js">Moment.js function.
You will also find the few more articles related to the datetime" title="DateTime">DateTime and Time Zone">Time Zone.
Convert a 12 hour format to 24 hour format
1. Using Moment.js
First of all, you have to add the following moment script to access the moment functions.
<script src=""></script>
Use the following JavaScript code to get the converted time.
var convertedTime = moment("01:00 PM", 'hh:mm A').format('HH:mm')
// Output: 13:00
2. Using custom function
In the second method, we’ll use the following custom JavaScript function to convert the 12 hour format to 24 hour format.
const convertTime12to24 = time12h => {
const [time, modifier] = time12h.split(" ");
let [hours, minutes] = time.split(":");
if (hours === "12") {
hours = "00";
if (modifier === "PM") {
hours = parseInt(hours, 10) + 12;
return `${hours}:${minutes}`;
var convertedTime = convertTime12to24("01:00 PM");
// Output: 13:00
That’s it for today.
Thank you for reading. Happy Coding..!!