Clue Mediator

Sort an array by Date in JavaScript

📅August 13, 2020

In this article, we’ll show you how to sort an array by date in JavaScript. When you are working with an array of objects that contains a date field and we want to sort an array based on the date values then we can use the `sort()` method of an array.

There are many ways to do sorting in JavaScript but in this article, we will go with the default function `sort()` of an array. Later, we will show you the sorting by moment js library.

Sample Array:

Let’s take an example to sort an array therefore we will use the following sample array which contains a date object.

const students = [
  { name: 'Liam', joinDate: new Date('2019-06-28') },
  { name: 'Noah', joinDate: new Date('2019-06-10') },
  { name: 'William', joinDate: new Date('2019-06-12') },
  { name: 'James', joinDate: new Date('2019-06-08') },
  { name: 'Lucas', joinDate: new Date('2019-06-21') }

Sort an array by date descending

First, we will sort the above sample array in descending order by `joinDate` attribute. Use the following code for descending sorting.

const sortedStudents = students.sort((a, b) => b.joinDate > a.joinDate ? 1: -1);

Sort an array by date ascending

In the second example, we will sort the sample array in ascending order by `joinDate` attribute and for that use the following code.

const sortedStudents = students.sort((a, b) => b.joinDate < a.joinDate ? 1: -1);

Use slice() method with sort()

When we use the `sort()` method then it will return a sorted array but it also sorts an existing array, thus both `students` and `sortedStudents` variables become the same.

To prevent the sorting of an existing array, we will use the `slice()` method. Check out the below code to sort an array by date descending.

const sortedStudents = students.slice().sort((a, b) => b.joinDate > a.joinDate ? 1: -1);

That’s it for today.
Thank you for reading. Happy Coding..!!