Clue Mediator

Set up a React project for a Shopping Cart using Vite - Part 1

📅January 16, 2024

Welcome to the exciting journey of creating a sleek and efficient Shopping Cart React application! In this first part, we'll kick things off by setting up our project using Vite, a lightning-fast build tool. Get ready to embark on a coding adventure that will lead us to a fully functional e-commerce platform.

Why Vite?

Vite is not your average build tool. It's fast, incredibly fast! With its ability to handle React applications seamlessly, Vite provides a quick and efficient development environment, making it the perfect choice for our Shopping Cart project.

Setting Up React Project with Vite

  1. Create a Vite Project
  2. Navigate to the Project
  3. Install Dependencies
  4. Run the Development Server
  5. Output

Package dependencies

You will find the version of the following packages in React application.







1. Create a Vite Project

Open your terminal and run the following command to create our React project using Vite.

npm create vite@latest shopping-cart

Now, locate the 'Select Framework' option as illustrated in the image below. Choose 'React' from the available list.

Select Framework - React - Clue Mediator

Select Framework - React - Clue Mediator

After choosing the framework, opt for the JavaScript variant from the provided list. Refer to the image below for guidance.

Select Variant - JavaScript - Clue Mediator

Select Variant - JavaScript - Clue Mediator

2. Navigate to the Project

Move into your project directory.

cd shopping-cart

3. Install Dependencies

Install the project dependencies:

npm install

4. Run the Development Server

Start the development server to see your project in action:

npm run dev

Now, open your browser and go to the local link. You should see the default Vite welcome screen, signaling that your project is up and running!

5. Output

Output - Set up a React project for a Shopping Cart using Vite - Clue Mediator

Output - Set up a React project for a Shopping Cart using Vite - Clue Mediator


Congratulations! You've successfully set up your React project using Vite. This is the first step in building our Shopping Cart application, and there's plenty more excitement ahead. Stay tuned for the next parts of this series, where we'll delve into styling, project structure, and crafting the various components that will bring our Shopping Cart to life.

Remember, every line of code is a step closer to creating something awesome. Happy coding!

“Vite makes setting up a React project feel like a breeze. Get ready for an epic coding journey!”

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