Clue Mediator

Round a Number to Decimal Points in JavaScript

📅December 21, 2019

Today we decided to write a simple article on how to round a number to decimal points in JavaScript.

Round a Number to Decimal Points in JavaScript, Round off a number upto two decimal place using JavaScript, JavaScript toFixed(), Round to at most 2 decimal places, Rounding Decimals How to Round Numbers, Round a Number to Decimal Points, HowTo: round a number up to N decimal digits, javascript format number 2 decimals, JavaScript limit input to 2 decimal places, html number format decimal places, javascript tofixed without rounding.

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Use the `toFixed()` method to round a number to decimal place in JavaScript. The toFixed() method is used to return a string representation of a number of digits after the decimal point.

The toFixed() method is used to format a number using fixed-point notation. It can be used to format a number with a specific number of digits to the right of the decimal.

Example 1:

const number = 28.319921
const rounded_number = number.toFixed(2)
// Output: 28.32

Here, `.toFixed(2)` method convert the 28.319921 number into number with only 2 decimal points.

Example 2:

const number = 28
const rounded_number = number.toFixed(3)
// Output: 28.000

The `.toFixed(3)` method keeping three decimals even though they're zero.

Example 3:

Now, we will convert the number with decimal points to a rounded whole number. If we give a value of `0` to the `.toFixed()` method, it will round the whole number. Also If there is no parameter passed in the toFixed() method then it doesn’t display any digits after the decimal place.

const number = 28.319921
const rounded_number = number.toFixed(0)
// Output: 28

That’s it for today.

Thanks for reading and happy coding!