Clue Mediator

Remove the leading zero from a number in JavaScript

📅January 6, 2021

In this short article, we’ll explain how to remove the leading zero from a number" title="number">number in JavaScript.

Sometimes we need to delete leading zero from string" title="string">string numbers. JavaScript has built-in options to do this task.

Let's start with examples of different ways.

Different ways to trim leading zero from a number

  1. function">parseInt() function
  2. + unary Operator
  3. Number construction
  4. regular-expression" target="_blank" class="tag-link">Regular expression">Regular expression

1. parseInt() function

The parseInt() function parses a string and returns an integer of the specified radix.

Let’s take an example.

const numString = "037";

//parseInt with radix=10
const number = parseInt(numString, 10);
// 37

2. + unary Operator

In this second method, we’ll use + unary Operator that converts the operand into a number.

const numString = "037";

// unary plus operator
const number = +numString;
// 37

3. Number() construction

Using the Number() construction, truncate leading zero from a number.

const numString = "037";

// Number constructor
const number = Number(numString);
// 37

4. Regular expression

In this last method, we will use the regular expression with the `replace()` method to remove the zeros from the beginning.

const numString = "0037";

// regular expression with replace() method
const number  = numString.replace(/^0+/, '');
// 37

In the above code, Regular expression searches zero at the beginning of the string and replace it with an empty space.

That’s it for today.
Thank you for reading. Happy Coding..!! 🙂