How to set environment variables in React with Webpack
Today we will show you how to set environment variables in React with Webpack configuration. We will also show you how to load different environment variables from the `.env` files based on the development/production build.
If you are working with the `create-react-app` then we will recommend you to check the article to set environment variables in React.
Here, we will explain two different ways to set Environment Variable">environment variables in a react webpack project.
Two different ways to set environment variables
- Use the `DefinePlugin` to set environment variables
- file to set environment variables">Use an `.env` file to set environment variables
1. Use the `DefinePlugin` to set environment variables
The `DefinePlugin` will be used to create a global variable which can be configured at compile time. We can use the DefinePlugin in `webpack.config.js` file under plugins. Look at the following sample code.
const webpack = require('webpack');
// ...
module.exports = {
// ...
// ...
plugins: [
new webpack.DefinePlugin({
"FOO": JSON.stringify("bar"),
"process.env.API_URL": JSON.stringify("")
Now you can directly use the variable to access the value in the react app.
console.log("foo: ", FOO); // foo: bar
console.log("API URL: ", process.env.API_URL); // API URL:
2. Use an `.env` file to set environment variables
Let’s assume that you have two different environments to run the react project such as development & production environments.
To load different values based on the environment configurations, we need to create two separate .env files to set the environment variables.
Follow the below project structure.
File Structure
- .env
- .env.development
First of all, create two different files.
- `.env` - Define all the environment variables for production.
- `.env.development` - Define all the environment variables for development.
Now, We have to use the dotenv-webpack npm package to load the `.env` file and set the environment variables. Run the following command to install the package.
npm install dotenv-webpack --save-dev
Let’s update the `webpack.config.js` file.
const webpack = require('webpack');
const Dotenv = require('dotenv-webpack');
// ...
module.exports = env => {
return {
// ...
// ...
plugins: [
new Dotenv({
path: `./environments/.env${env.file ? `.${env.file}` : ''}`
At last, use the following script to load the environment variables.
"name": "xxxx-xxxx-xxxx",
"version": "x.0.0",
"scripts": {
"build": "webpack",
"build:dev": "webpack --env.file=development"
Run one of the following command based on the environment.
- `npm run build` - To load the production environment.
- `npm run build:dev` - To load the development environment.
After running the above command, you need to use the `process.env.FOO` or `process.env.API_URL` variable to access the value.
You may also like this article: How to pass webpack environment variables in HTML
I hope you find this article helpful.
Thank you for reading. Happy Coding..!! 🙂