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How to install the Redis server on Ubuntu and Windows systems

πŸ“…March 19, 2023

Redis is a popular open-source, in-memory data structure store. It is often used as a database, cache, and message broker. Redis supports various data structures, including strings, hashes, lists, sets, and sorted sets, which makes it a versatile tool for data storage and manipulation.

Redis is designed for high performance, with a focus on low-latency operations. It achieves this by keeping all the data in memory, which allows for extremely fast access times. Additionally, Redis supports various features, such as replication, clustering, and Lua scripting, which further enhance its capabilities.

Redis is widely used in web applications, particularly in scenarios where fast access to data is critical, such as caching frequently accessed data, session management, and real-time analytics. Its simplicity, performance, and versatility make it an excellent tool for any application that requires fast and efficient data storage and retrieval.

How to Install Redis Server in Ubuntu System

Ubuntu is a popular operating system for developers. Here are the steps to install the Redis server in Ubuntu:

  • Update the Ubuntu package list using the following command:
sudo apt-get update
  • Install the Redis server by executing the following command:
sudo apt-get install redis-server
  • Once the installation is complete, check the status of the Redis server by executing the following command:
sudo systemctl status redis-server
  • If the Redis server is running, you will see the following output:
● redis-server.service - Redis Server
   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/redis-server.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (running) since Fri 2022-02-11 16:36:03 IST; 2s ago
 Main PID: 62989 (redis-server)
    Tasks: 4 (limit: 4915)
   Memory: 3.3M
   CGroup: /system.slice/redis-server.service
           └─62989 /usr/bin/redis-server

How to Install Redis Server in Windows System

Windows is also a popular operating system among developers. Here are the steps to install the Redis server in Windows:

  1. Download the Redis installation package for Windows from the official Redis website:
  2. Extract the downloaded package to a directory on your system. For example, you can extract it to C:\Redis.
  3. Open the extracted folder and double-click on the redis-server.exe file to start the Redis server.
  4. To test if the Redis server is running, open a command prompt and execute the following command:
redis-cli ping

You should receive a response of PONG, which indicates that the Redis server is running.


In this article, we have discussed how to install the Redis server in both Ubuntu and Windows systems. Redis is a powerful tool that can help improve the performance of your applications by acting as a cache, message broker, or database. With Redis installed, you can take advantage of its many features to improve the performance and reliability of your applications.