Clue Mediator

How to get current image size (width and height) using JavaScript

📅January 6, 2022

Today we will show you how to get current image size (width and height) using JavaScript.

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You can simply use the `API/Element/clientWidth" title="clientWidth">clientWidth` and `clientHeight` to get the current width and height of the image in pixel.

Refer to the sample HTML code below to get the image size.

<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>How to get current image size (width and height) using JavaScript - Clue Mediator</title>
  function getImgSize(){
    var myImg = document.querySelector("#myImage");
    var currWidth = myImg.clientWidth;
    var currHeight = myImg.clientHeight;
    console.log("Image width: ", currWidth);
    console.log("Image height: ", currHeight);

  <img src="/my-img.jpg" id="myImage" width="250" alt="My Image">
  <button type="button" onclick="getImgSize();">Click to get Image Size</button>

Using the code above you will find the width and height of the current image in the console.

That’s it for today.
Thank you for reading. Happy Coding..!! 🙂