Clue Mediator

How to add a New Line in JavaScript

๐Ÿ“…July 2, 2023

In JavaScript, there are different ways to add a new line to your strings or output. Adding a new line can be useful for formatting string">text or displaying multiline content. In this article, we will explore various techniques to achieve this in JavaScript.

Ways to Add a New Line in JavaScript

  1. Using Escape Sequences
  2. Using Template Literals
  3. Using the HTML <br> Tag

1. Using Escape Sequences

  • One way to add a new line is by using escape sequences. The escape sequence for a new line is \n.
  • You can include \n in your string to indicate a line break.


const message = "Hello,\nWelcome to JavaScript!";

2. Using Template Literals

  • Template literals provide a more convenient way to include new lines in strings.
  • You can use the backtick (`) character to define a template literal and include line breaks directly.


const message = `Hello,
Welcome to JavaScript!`;

3. Using the HTML <br> Tag

  • If you're working with HTML output, you can use the <br> tag to add a new line.
  • This is particularly useful when rendering text in HTML elements or displaying content on a web page.


const message = "Hello,<br>Welcome to JavaScript!";
document.getElementById("myElement").innerHTML = message;


Adding a new line in JavaScript can be achieved using escape sequences, template literals, or the HTML <br> tag, depending on your use case. Whether you're formatting text, displaying multiline content, or working with HTML output, these techniques provide flexibility in creating readable and well-formatted output.

Choose the method that suits your specific scenario and coding context. Experiment with these approaches to enhance the presentation of your JavaScript output and create more visually appealing content.