Clue Mediator

Generate QR code using PHP

📅April 6, 2021

Today, we’ll explain to you how to generate QR code using PHP.

A QR code (Quick Response code) is a type of matrix barcode used mostly for online shopping and digital payment. It is an optical label which contains some amount of information about the product or item.

In this article, we’ll show you simple ways to generate QR code in PHP. Here we will use the QR code generator PHP library.

Table of contents

  1. Syntax
  2. Parameters
  3. Example 1: Generate QR code
  4. Example 2: Store generated QR code in directory

1. Syntax

QRcode::png($text, $filename, $err_correction, $pixel_size, $frame_size);

2. Parameters

  • $text: This is the input parameter for which the QR code needs to generate. It is a mandatory parameter.

  • $filename: It specifies the path or location to save the generated QR code.

  • $err_correction: It specifies the error correction capability of the QR code. There are 4 different levels of error correction.

    • L[ow] - up to 7% damage
    • M[edium] - up to 15% damage
    • Q[uality] - up to 25% damage
    • H[igh] - up to 30% damage
  • $pixel_size: It specifies the pixel size of the QR code.

  • $frame_size: It specifies the complete size of the QR code.

3. Example 1: Generate QR code

Let’s create a QR code with minimum code. Refer to the following file structure for example.

File Structure

  • generate-qr-code-php

    • library

      • phpqrcode
    • images

    • index.php

Click here to download QR code generator PHP library and add it under `library` folder.


//include the qrlib file
include './library/phpqrcode/qrlib.php';<p-->

// Set the data for QR
$text = "CLUE MEDIATOR";

// Generate QR code

The following output will appear when you run scripts that have default frame and pixel size.

Output - Example 1 - Generate QR code using PHP - Clue Mediator

Output - Example 1 - Generate QR code using PHP - Clue Mediator

4. Example 2: Store generated QR code in directory

In this example, we will create a QR code and store it in a given directory. Using the `uniqid()` function, we will generate a unique name for the image based on microtime.

Let’s use the above file structure and update the following code in the `index.php` file.


//include the qrlib file
include './library/phpqrcode/qrlib.php';<p-->

// Set the data for QR
$text = "CLUE MEDIATOR";

//path or location to save the generated QR code image.
$path = 'images/';

// Create unique id using uniqid() function
$filename = $path.uniqid().".png";

// set error correction level L
$err_correction = 'L';
$pixel_size = 8;
$frame_size = 8;

// Generates QR Code and stores in given directory
QRcode::png($text, $filename, $err_correction, $pixel_size, $frame_size);

// Display QR code from directory
echo "<center><img src="".$filename.""></center>";

Run the above code and check the output in the browser.

Output - Example 2 - Generate QR code using PHP - Clue Mediator

Output - Example 2 - Generate QR code using PHP - Clue Mediator

That’s it for today.
Thank you for reading. Happy Coding..!! 🙂

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