Clue Mediator

Exploring the Location Properties and Methods in JavaScript

📅January 17, 2025

JavaScript’s Location object is a powerful tool for interacting with the browser’s URL. Whether you need to read parts of the current URL or manipulate the browser’s location, the Location object has all the properties and methods to help you do that. Let’s dive into how these features work and how you can use them in your web applications.

Location Properties and Methods in JavaScript

  1. Understanding Location Properties
  2. Using Location Methods for Navigation

1. Understanding Location Properties

  • hash
    The hash property gives you the part of the URL after the hash sign (#). It’s often used in single-page applications to identify specific sections or states.

    console.log(window.location.hash); // "#section2"
  • host
    The host property returns the hostname and port of the current URL.

    console.log(; // ""
  • hostname
    The hostname property returns just the domain name of the URL, excluding the port.

    console.log(window.location.hostname); // ""
  • href
    The href property returns the entire URL, including the protocol, hostname, port, and path.

    console.log(window.location.href); // ""
  • pathname
    The pathname property provides the path part of the URL, starting from the first slash after the domain.

    console.log(window.location.pathname); // "/path"
  • port
    The port property returns the port number of the URL.

    console.log(window.location.port); // "80"
  • protocol
    The protocol property returns the protocol used in the URL, like http: or https:.

    console.log(window.location.protocol); // "https:"
  • search
    The search property gives you the query string of the URL, including the question mark (?).

    console.log(; // "?id=123&sort=asc"

2. Using Location Methods for Navigation

  • assign()
    The assign() method loads a new document by navigating to a specific URL.

    window.location.assign(''); // Navigates to a new URL
  • reload()
    The reload() method reloads the current page from the server or cache.

    window.location.reload(); // Reloads the page
  • replace()
    The replace() method loads a new document and replaces the current page in the session history, meaning the user won’t be able to use the back button to return to the previous page.

    window.location.replace(''); // Replaces the current page with the new one


JavaScript’s Location object gives you complete control over the browser’s URL. Whether you need to extract parts of the URL or navigate to different pages, these properties and methods are essential tools for any web developer. With this knowledge, you can create dynamic, smooth navigation experiences in your applications.

"Master the URL and give your users seamless navigation and experiences!"