Clue Mediator

Create Log Files in PHP with Custom Logging Levels

๐Ÿ“…August 29, 2023

Logging is a vital aspect of PHP application development, allowing developers to monitor, debug, and maintain their code effectively. Implementing a robust logging mechanism is crucial to track important events, errors, and other critical information during runtime. In this blog, we will explore a convenient way to create log files in PHP using a custom logging function, while also understanding and utilizing different logging levels. This approach will empower you to tailor your logging system to the specific needs of your application.

Steps to Create Log Files in PHP with Custom Logging Levels

  1. The Custom Logging Function
  2. Understanding Logging Levels
  3. Logging Messages with Different Levels
  4. Using Logging in Error Handling
  5. Analyzing Log Files

1. The Custom Logging Function

Let's start by creating a custom logging function that will streamline the entire logging process for us. This function will automatically handle the log directory and file creation, while also accepting a logging level parameter to categorize log messages accordingly.

function logMessage($message, $logLevel = "INFO")
    $logDirectory = __DIR__ . "/log";
    $logFile = $logDirectory . "/app.log";

    // Create the log directory if it doesn't exist
    if (!is_dir($logDirectory)) {
        mkdir($logDirectory, 0755, true);

    // Create the log file if it doesn't exist
    if (!file_exists($logFile)) {
        chmod($logFile, 0644);

    // Generate the log message with timestamp and log level
    $timestamp = date("[Y-m-d H:i:s]");
    $logMessage = "{$timestamp} [{$logLevel}] - {$message}" . PHP_EOL;

    // Append the log message to the log file
    file_put_contents($logFile, $logMessage, FILE_APPEND);

2. Understanding Logging Levels

To make the most out of our logging mechanism, we need to comprehend logging levels. Logging levels categorize log messages based on their severity, helping us prioritize and filter logs effectively. Here are the commonly used logging levels:

  1. DEBUG: Detailed information, typically used for debugging purposes. These messages provide insights into the application's internal state and execution flow.
  2. INFO: General information about the application's operation. These messages inform about significant events or milestones during runtime.
  3. WARNING: Indicates potential issues that don't prevent the application from functioning, but require attention.
  4. ERROR: Indicates critical errors that affect the application's functionality but allow it to continue running.
  5. FATAL: Represents severe errors that cause the application to terminate abruptly.

3. Logging Messages with Different Levels

Now that we have our custom logging function and a better understanding of logging levels, let's put them to use. We can log messages at different levels throughout our PHP code to ensure comprehensive monitoring.

// Example usage of the logMessage function with different logging levels
logMessage("User login successful", "INFO");
logMessage("Database connection failed", "ERROR");
logMessage("Invalid input data", "WARNING");
logMessage("Function execution started", "DEBUG");

4. Using Logging in Error Handling

Logging is especially useful for error handling. We can catch exceptions and log detailed error messages to track down issues.

try {
    // Code that may throw an exception
} catch (Exception $e) {
    logMessage("Caught exception: " . $e->getMessage(), "ERROR");

5. Analyzing Log Files

As your application runs and generates log messages, the custom logging function will append the entries to the log file. You can periodically analyze the log file to identify patterns, investigate errors, and track the application's behavior over time. Analyzing log files becomes especially crucial during debugging and performance optimization phases.


Creating log files in PHP with a custom logging function is a smart approach to maintain a well-organized and efficient logging mechanism. By understanding logging levels and implementing them in your log messages, you can easily differentiate between various events and errors. A robust logging system ensures your PHP applications remain stable, debuggable, and well-maintained, leading to a smoother development experience and enhanced overall performance. Happy logging!