Clue Mediator

Check if a string contains a substring in JavaScript

📅November 18, 2020

Today we’ll explain to you how to check if a string contains a substring in JavaScript. It is very simple to do this task in JavaScript.

You can also check the similar articles on String and array" title="Array">Array.

Ways to check if a string contains a substring

  1. includes() method
  2. indexOf() method
  3. search method

1. includes() method

We can use the includes() method to check if a string contains a substring in JavaScript. This method returns the `true` if a substring found in a string otherwise returns `false`.

var str = 'cluemediator';
// Output: true

Note that this is case-sensitive search, so the following example returns `false`.

var str = 'Cluemediator';
// Output: false

Also, in this method we can pass a second parameter that defines which index to start the search. The syntax look like below:

str.includes(substr, 30);

If you know that the first 30 characters do not include a substring then you can use the above method.

2. indexOf() method

The indexOf() method is like the `includes()` method but difference is the `includes()` method returns the boolean value and `indexOf()` method returns the position of the substring starting from the left. It returns `-1` if it is not found.

var str = 'cluemediator';
// Output: 4

This method is also case-sensitive and returns the `0` based index position.

Also, you can pass an optional second parameter to define the index to start the search like below.

var str = 'The string contains the substring';
// Output: 27

3. search method

The search method is similar to the `indexOf()` method that returns the position of the substring. It is a case-insensitive method and its required single parameter as string or regular expression.

var str = 'The string contains the substring';
var reg = /String/i;  // i flag for case-insensitive
var pos =;
// Output: 4

That’s it for today.
Thank you for reading. Happy Coding..!!